We recommend the following:
John McTernan Insights Blog – The focus is on Israel and the United States, but all other relevant information will be reported, to show the reader the desperate, yet exciting, time we live in. Bible prophecy is coming alive right before our very eyes. The information is to ground us in God; to cause us to live holy; to be anchored in the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus: and to show the awesome authority of the Bible as the very word of God.
Click here to visit Insights.
Blessings Israeli Believers – The Israeli believers need help. At the present time, life in Israel can be very difficult for believers in the Lord Jesus. Many are bold in the faith and face rejection by their family and society. Now is the time, the church can help the believers in Israel JUST AS THEY DID IN THE DAY OF THE APOSTLE PAUL! Here is another reason, for those who understand the Biblical mandate to bless Israel, to support Israeli believers in the Lord Jesus.
Click here to visit Blessing Israeli Believers.